“When I was little I liked school… I enjoyed eating in the cafeteria”: perspective(s) of adults on school organization
Education and training, Adults, School.Abstract
Adult's education and training is not limited, today, to educational practices defined by the relations to some school (or professional) system. Even so, and since learning is a process transversal to the various dimensions of human life and that can happen in different social contexts, it is rightful to question, through an inquiry, 32 illiterate adults (or with low literacy rates) about the perspective they share on school organization. Because some of them have experienced that reality and have abandoned it early, because others have younger relatives attending school, because all of them live in a space/time where that institution holds an highlighting role for each one and for the community. Besides, through the association of words or through the brief answers to specific questions, it becomes possible to read the built representations about the matter in discussion –the meaning and importance of the school–, by individuals aged between 28 and 69 years, assuming that their literacy difficulties will be more of a social problem than an individual disability.
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