Relations between metacognitive knowledge and performance in counting principles
Metacognitive knowledge. Counting principles. Initial mathematicsAbstract
The objective of this article is to investigate the metacognitive knowledge of students in the first year of elementary school, related to the intervention sessions in which they participated, and to verify if this knowledge would correspond to their achievement in a counting principles evaluation task. In order to do that, initially studies are discussed, aiming to evidence the concept of metacognition and its relation to mathematics. This study counted with 60 students of the first year of elementary school, from 3 public schools, located in Porto Alegre. The investigation of metacognitive knowledge occurred through three questions made by the experimenter after the finalization of an intervention in counting principles. The children’s answers were categorized and related to their achievement in the counting principles evaluation task. The results reveal that most of the students demonstrated good metacognitive knowledge, showing correspondence between their answers and the achievement in the evaluation task.References
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