Historical narratives: practicing movements of exus and pombagiras in the terraces of Quimbanda of Rio Grande/RS
Historical narratives, Dance education, Quimbanda.Abstract
This article deals with how you know around narratives of historical experiences were applicants to produce analysis about teaching dances of exus and pombagiras, in the terraces of Quimbanda, in the city of Rio Grande/RS. It was used for this purpose, discussions about teaching related to two concepts, historical knowledge and uses of the past. Teach, not a premise of all the participants of the study, puts in artifacts or technical debate, that substantiate the movements the bodies of the children of most (the) leaders of the terraces. The theoretical contribution is focused on cultural studies in poststructuralist and shed your narratives were produced from structured scripts, the data analysed under a Cultural Analysis. It is considered that the knowledge is transient and that produces, from historical narratives, religious subjects by means of the dances. Thereby, specifies that the knowledge and the Act of teaching are not definitive and processes which have connections with stories that forge the terraces.
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