The “spirit of the commentary” – the idea of education and culture as ethnic limits


  • Joana Bahia Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)


Ethnic Identity, Jewish Comunity, Culture and Education, Anthropology of Education.


This article analyzes the educational institutions created by the jewish intellectuals of the Associação Scholem Aleichem (ASA) and Casa do Povo or Instituto Cultural Israelita Brasileiro (ICIB), both institutions located in the city of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil. These institutions was created by the generations of jewish inmigrants which came from Oriental Europe and identified themselves with the political and social fights of the national and international left ́s party. This work analyses the constructions of jewish identity, reconstructing theirs life ́s stories and their daily routine in these associations, specially what they offer us to reflect about inner differences in the original community and how they elaborate their identity construction based in the ideas about education and “progressist culture” and the importance of argumentation and what we call the “commentary ́s spirit“.

How to Cite

Bahia, J. (2009). The “spirit of the commentary” – the idea of education and culture as ethnic limits. Education, 34(1), 129–146. Retrieved from



Dossier: Anthropology of Education