In-between places: anthropology and education in Brazil


  • Neusa Maria Mendes de Gusmão Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Anthropology, Education, Cross-curricularity


Anthropology has a theoretical and methodological apparatus that is used when it comes to action in other fields of knowledge. This apparatus implements a cross-curricular dialogue and shows how anthropology is part of different courses and areas of knowledge in curricular contexts. In this text, some debates in biannual ABA – Sociedade Brasileira de Antropologia and restrictions of “Anthropology of Education” in Brazil and the objects, methods and topics it involves. Along the period of five ABA meetings, between 2000 and 2008, and in the debate about anthropology and education, a possible view of anthropology can be observed in a search for a good status for ABA and for a good relationship with and between anthropologists. The results of the Forums and GTs from 2000 to 2008 show us that, according to the various topics and approaches, projects, research and teaching experiences, this debate is still open, regarding anthropology of education. However, there is still very little effort towards thinking critically about the relations between anthropology and education. This is due to the way this science field is assumed by other fields of knowledge, in the name of a kind of humanism that blurs the ability to see and overlooks anthropologic actions, their central concepts and theoretical support.

How to Cite

Gusmão, N. M. M. de. (2009). In-between places: anthropology and education in Brazil. Education, 34(1), 29–46. Retrieved from



Dossier: Anthropology of Education