Hypertensive caregivers of elderly people, adherence to drug treatment, and health literacy

Cuidadores hipertensos de ancianos, adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico y alfabetización en salud





Aged, Hypertension, Caregivers, Health Literacy, Medication adherence


Objective: to analyze the prevalence of adherence to drug treatment among hypertensive caregivers of elderly people, its relationship with health literacy, demographic variables, and the caregivers' work and analytical variables. Method: a cross-sectional study with 68 caregivers of elderly hypertensive patients. Medication adherence and health literacy were assessed using the following scales: Morisky's Therapeutic Adherence and Health Literacy Scale. Results: The sample studied had low health literacy (34 points), and 36.8% showed low adherence to drug treatment. The greater the number of hours dedicated to care per day (p=0.0027) and the more overburdened the caregiver felt (p=0.0307) were associated with low adherence to drug treatment. Conclusion: This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the prevalence of adherence to drug treatment among hypertensive caregivers of elderly people and its relationship with health literacy, demographic, and work variables.


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Author Biographies

Luís Fernando Negrão de Souza, Federal University of São Paulo

Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from the Paulista School of Nursing- EPE, Federal University of São Paulo- UNFESP. São Paulo-SP- Brazil.

Carla Roberta Monteiro Miura, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse. Professor at the Department of Clinical and Surgical Nursing, Paulista School of Nursing - EPE, Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Karina Aparecida Lopes da Costa, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse. Master's degree in the Department of Clinical and Surgical Nursing, Paulista School of Nursing - EPE, Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Andréa Fachini da Costa, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse Master's Degree from the Paulista School of Nursing - EPE, Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP. São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Angélica Gonçalves Silva Belasco, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse. Professor and Head of the Department of Clinical and Surgical Nursing, Paulista School of Nursing - EPE, Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Meiry Fernanda Pinto Okuno, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse. Professor and Head of the Department of Public Health, Paulista School of Nursing - EPE, Federal University of São Paulo - UNIFESP. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Souza, L. F. N. de, Miura, C. R. M., Costa, K. A. L. da, Costa, A. F. da, Belasco, A. G. S., & Okuno, M. F. P. (2024). Hypertensive caregivers of elderly people, adherence to drug treatment, and health literacy : Cuidadores hipertensos de ancianos, adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico y alfabetización en salud. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 14, e16. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179769286458



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