Profile of patients with conditions unrelated to COVID-19: comparison between pre-pandemic and panemic




COVID-19, Emergency Medical Services, Medical Care, Nursing, Emergencies


Objective: to compare the epidemiological profile of patients treated during the pandemic for conditions unrelated to COVID-19 and users treated in the pre-pandemic period. Method: a retrospective study was carried out at Hospital São Paulo, from August 2021 to August 2023, with two groups (pre and pandemic), stratified into chunks. Data collection took place through electronic medical records with the first 20 participants of each month. Descriptive analysis of continuous variables was performed using mean, standard deviation, median, minimum and maximum, considering a p-value <0.05. Results: 520 patients were analyzed, divided equally, with similar mean age, sex, race and length of hospital stay, but there were differences in hospitalization units and outcomes. Conclusion: similarity was found between the two groups, with more admissions to Intensive Care Units and more deaths in the pre-pandemic group and more hospitalizations in the emergency department in the pandemic group, with more discharges.


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Author Biographies

Tainá Bustamante Sanches Martos, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse. Graduated from the Paulista School of Nursing/Federal University of São Paulo and associate member of the Cardiology Society of the State of São Paulo (SOCESP). São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Luiz Humberto Vieri Piacezzi, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse. Master. Paulista School of Nursing/Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Karina Aparecida Lopes da Costa, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse. Master. Paulista School of Nursing/Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Maria Carolina Barbosa Teixeira Lopes, Federal University of São Paulo

She holds a degree in Nursing from the Federal University of São Paulo (2004), a master's degree in Nursing from the Federal University of São Paulo (2011) and a PhD in Nursing from the Federal University of São Paulo (2021). She is currently a Professor of Intensive Care and Emergency at the Paulista School of Nursing, Federal University of São Paulo. São Paulo, Brazil.

Ruth Ester Assayag Batista, Federal University of São Paulo

Nurse. Post-Doctorate. Paulista School of Nursing/Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Cássia Regina Vancini Campanharo, Federal University of São Paulo

Graduated in Nursing, Federal University of São Paulo, UNIFESP (2002); Specialist in Emergency Nursing, UNIFESP (2003) and Doctor of Science, UNIFESP (2015). Currently, she is an Adjunct Professor, teaching undergraduate, residency and postgraduate courses in Nursing at the Paulista School of Nursing, UNIFESP. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Martos, T. B. S., Piacezzi, L. H. V., Costa, K. A. L. da, Lopes, M. C. B. T., Batista, R. E. A., & Campanharo, C. R. V. (2024). Profile of patients with conditions unrelated to COVID-19: comparison between pre-pandemic and panemic. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 14, e30.



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