Betinho's Dynamic Guide to Diabetes Mellitus Health Education Tipo 1




Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Educational Technology, Health Education, Child Health, Adolescent Health


Objective: to build and validate a guide for applying the Betinho Dynamic to mediate health education actions with children and adolescents living with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Method: methodological study carried out in three stages: literature review, construction of the guide, validation of the content in a virtual environment and at national level. Health specialists took part by means of a questionnaire. Descriptive statistical analysis and calculation of the Content Validity Index (CVI) were applied. Results: 14 themes emerged from the review. After construction, the first version was configured; in the validation stage it obtained a CVI of 0.83. The suggestions were used in the final version. Conclusion: the guide was considered adequate and could be used when applying the Betinho Dynamics, which is an interactive and playful technological resource.


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Author Biographies

Antônio Simeone Correia Leitão, University of the State of Amazonas

Resident Nurse, Amazonas State University, Manaus, AM, Brazil.

Elizabeth Teixeira, Federal University of Para

Nurse, PhD, Federal University of Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil

Elessandra da Silva Sicsu, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Manaus

Nurse, Master with a professional Master's degree in Diabetes Education from Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Municipal Health Department of Manaus, Manaus, AM, Brazil.

Francineide Pereira da Silva Pena, Federal University of Amapá

Nurse, PhD in Sciences, Professor at the Federal University of Amapá, Macapá, Amapá,

Camila Rodrigues Barbosa Nemer, Federal University of Amapá

Nurse, PhD in Public Health, Professor at the Federal University of Amapá, Macapá, Amapá, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Leitão, A. S. C., Teixeira, E., Sicsu, E. da S., Pena, F. P. da S., & Nemer, C. R. B. (2024). Betinho’s Dynamic Guide to Diabetes Mellitus Health Education Tipo 1 . Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 14, e18.



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