Production and validation of a digital booklet on the use of masks in the COVID-19 pandemic context
COVID-19, Health Education, Validation Study, Masks, Educational TechnologyAbstract
Objective: To produce and validate a digital booklet on the use of masks in the COVID-19 pandemic context. Method: An online methodological study was conducted, comprising the following steps: search for themes and theoretical study, creation of the digital booklet, expert validation, adjustments following expert validation, validation by the target audience (general population), adjustments following validation by the target audience, and publication. Validation was based on a satisfactory Content Validity Index (CVI) of ≥0.70. Results: The booklet "Safe Use of Masks: How to Protect Myself and Others" was produced and validated by 20 specialists and 19 target audience members, with an overall average CVI of 0.99. The content and appearance were validated with indices ranging between 0.94 and 1.00. Conclusion: The booklet is valid and appropriate, assessed as a motivating educational technology that is easily understandable regarding mask use, contributing to increasing the population's knowledge in the pandemic context.
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- 2024-01-05 (2)
- 2023-12-22 (1)
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