Virtual debriefing: an analysis of nursing students' perception of its use
Simulation Exercise, Education, Nursing, Simulation Training, Students, Nursing, NursingAbstract
Objective: to evaluate the virtual debriefing, performed with nursing students who participated as observers in a simulation scenario, recorded, on lowering the level of consciousness by hypoglycemia. Method: study with descriptive cross-sectional design in the quantitative phase, and exploratory-descriptive in the qualitative phase between 2020 and 2021, with 60 nursing graduate students who attended a recorded scenario and, after, experienced a virtual debriefing. Two instruments were applied to evaluate the debriefing, and the qualitative approach used analysis by Iramuteq. Results: on the Simulation-Associated Debriefing Evaluation Scale, the overall mean of evaluation was 4.25, showing that the participants had a positive perception. And in the Debriefing Experience Scale, the overall assessment was 4.38, suggesting that debriefing was a useful strategy. Conclusion: students pointed to virtual debriefing as a positive strategy for learning.
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- 2023-12-04 (2)
- 2023-11-17 (1)
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