Contribution of family members in the idealization of an educational booklet on child care after hospital discharge
Child Health, Educational Technology, Patient Discharge, Family, NursingAbstract
Objective: to describe the contributions of family members in the creation of an educational booklet on home care provided to children after hospital discharge. Method: qualitative research, developed in a public hospital in the countryside of the state of Rio de Janeiro, through a semi-structured script with 30 family members of hospitalized children, whose data were processed in the IRAMUTEQ Software. Results: the grouping into classes allowed the list of topics to be addressed in the educational booklet, namely: care for the child, home environment, clothing, bath, medication, pet, carpets, and curtains, identification of respiratory conditions, symptoms and allergy to milk protein. In addition, family members seek to be welcomed by health professionals and the booklet should present simplified, playful and inviting information. Conclusion: the testimonies of family members contribute to the construction of an educational health technology based on the needs of the target population, facilitating the continuity of care at home after hospital discharge.
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