“ROBOVID” mobile application about COVID-19 and target population: semantic validation study
Validation study, Covid-19, Nursing, Mobile applications, Health educationAbstract
Objective: to semantically validate the “ROBOVID” mobile application with the target population. Method: methodological study, presenting the seventh stage of the matrix project, developed between October 2021 and January 2022, with 21 adults residing in the state of Rio de Janeiro, using a semi-structured electronic form. The Concordance Index was used in the data analysis, being considered a validated item that presented a value equal to or greater than 80%. Results: the ROBOVID mobile application was validated, reaching satisfactory individual agreement rates ranging from 95% to 100% and global 98.8%. Conclusion: the mobile application “ROBOVID” was semantically validated in terms of content and appearance by the target population, indicating that this educational technology is understandable, relevant and pertinent, and can be used by the population as a tool for the prevention and control of serious sequelae resulting from covid-19.
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