Weaknesses and potentialities of nursing care on breastfeeding in primary care: integrative review
Maternal and Child Health, Nursing Care, Breast Feeding, Primary Health Care, Health PromotionAbstract
Objective: to identify the weaknesses and strengths of nursing care in supporting breastfeeding in Primary Health Care (PHC). Method: integrative review carried out in LILACS, BDENF, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science and Scielo library in March 2021. Results: the sample comprised 19 studies. Weaknesses involve the nursing professionals' incipient theoretical/practical foundation, limited care focused on breastfeeding and the (dis)organization of the service and the work process. As a potential, health education was identified, developed by nurses, during prenatal and postpartum periods. Conclusion: the incipient theoretical/practical basis is responsible for the limitation of care, and the disorganization of the service and the work process is considered an obstacle in the support of breastfeeding in Primary Health Care. Health education actions prove to be a power and a possibility of offering quality care in the face of barriers imposed by lack of knowledge.
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