Management competences and teaching strategies for undergraduate nursing students: the teachers’ view
Professional Competence, Nursing Students, College education, Hospitals, Research in Nursing EducationAbstract
Objective: to describe the managerial skills developed in the training of nurses focused on the hospital context and the teaching strategies for their strengthening from the teacher’s perspective. Method: exploratory, qualitative study. Twelve nursing teachers from a Public Higher Education Institution participated. The collection took place in 2020 through focus groups. For data analysis, inductive thematic analysis was used. Results: elucidated priority managerial skills, such as: Communication; Management decision making; Leadership and Interpersonal Relationships. Among the strategies for its improvement, the following stand out: simulation, clinical case studies, in addition to restructuring the internship and the training curriculum. Conclusion: the research results contributed to the reflection of the necessary skills for teaching, and to the reflection of nursing training centers regarding the reorganization of the curricula, including active teaching strategies that facilitate the development of competences. In addition, it is expected to sensitize the hospital community about the improvement of skills.
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