Clinical simulation: construction and validation of a script for Basic Life Support in adults
Nurses, Students, Nursing, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Simulation Training, Validation StudyAbstract
Objective: to develop and validate a script to plan and execute the first stage of the clinical simulation of Basic Life Support in adults in cardiorespiratory arrest: the preparation and its pre-simulation and pre-briefing/ briefing phases. Method: methodological study performed through an integrative review with a sample of seven primary studies. Afterwards, content validation was carried out in June 2020 with 16 nurses. Results: the script consisted of pre-simulation and pre-briefing/briefing and achieved a total Content Validity Index of 0.90. Conclusion: a script was developed addressing the title, execution time, definition and objectives of the pre-simulation and pre-briefing/briefing, target audience, learning objectives, material resources, procedure and references, considered valid in its content to plan and execute the first stage of the clinical simulation of Basic Life Support in adults, that is, its preparation.Downloads
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