The decision to breastfeed during adolescence: a study in cultural perspective


  • Luiza Cremonese Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Laís Antunes Wilhelm Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Lisie Alende Prates Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Andrêssa Batista Possati Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Juliane Scarton Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Lúcia Beatriz Ressel Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Women's health, Adolescent, Breast feeding, Culture, Nursing


Aim: to know how the decision to breastfeed was culturally constructed during adolescence, by a group of women. Method: field study, descriptive, qualitative, developed with eight women. The data were collected through semi-structured interview, and analyzed under the thematic content analysis of operative proposal. Results: the decision to breastfeeding is connected to cultural heritage, transmitted through generations and characterized by family influences, the previous experiences of other women and the knowledge about the benefits of breastfeeding for the child. The guidance provided by health professionals and captured in the media is also involved. Conclusion: the decision to breastfeed is a learning process, built in the context in which women are included. Thus, the contribution of this study is to look at enlargement on breastfeeding, recognizing it as a practice influenced by culture


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Author Biographies

Luiza Cremonese, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Enfermeira. Mestranda do PPGEnf/UFSM. Bolsista CAPES

Laís Antunes Wilhelm, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Enfermeira. Doutoranda do PPGEnf/UFSM. Bolsista CAPES

Lisie Alende Prates, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Enfermeira. Doutoranda do PPGEnf/UFSM. Bolsista CAPES

Andrêssa Batista Possati, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Enfermeira. Mestranda do PPGEnf/UFSM. Bolsista CAPES

Juliane Scarton, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Enfermeira. Mestre pelo PPGEnf/UFSM.

Lúcia Beatriz Ressel, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Enfermeira. Doutora. Professora associada ao Departamento de Enfermagem da UFSM



How to Cite

Cremonese, L., Wilhelm, L. A., Prates, L. A., Possati, A. B., Scarton, J., & Ressel, L. B. (2016). The decision to breastfeed during adolescence: a study in cultural perspective. Revista De Enfermagem Da UFSM, 6(3), 317–326.



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