Ensino interdisciplinar da educação ambiental nas disciplinas de Biologia e Química do ensino médio: uma proposta para as escolas públicas do município de Ariquemes, Rondônia, Brasil
Environmental Education, Interdisciplinarity, Ariquemes, Chemistry, BiologyAbstract
This work says about the use of Environmental Education as an interdisciplinary teaching tool, for the disciplines of Biology and Chemistry. Was based in gather an interdisciplinary proposal to the inclusion of the theme Environmental Education, in a way practice and problematizing, between the students, in order to sensitize them, about the environmental impacts, evidenced in the present moment. The verification about the factors of the environmental education was made by searching, in relevant material, bibliographies available. Due to the method of approach, was chose to use proposals, existing in the literature and that aimed at the possibility of deployment in high schools, in the public education in Ariquemes city, Rondônia.Downloads
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