Educação para a saúde em prol de uma sociedade preventiva: realidade entre professores municipais do ensino fundamental de Santa Maria, RS
Health education, Environmental education, PCNs, Transversal ThemesAbstract
The planet is presented in a very fragile moment, due to the imbalance in theirwidespread natural systems, caused mainly by human lifestyle: consumer, selfish andanthropocentric. Today we know that environmental quality is directly related to the quality ofhuman life, that is, human life has a good quality when its environment is in balance. But amid thepollution and the lack of environmental hygiene, the man will return to the spread of new and olddiseases that affect their health. Unfortunately, there is not a significant change human behaviorin order to stop the source of this problem, which is the degradation of the environment, for manypeople, such as Brazil, have remedial actions when it comes to health. Unfortunately, we notperceived a significant change human behavior in order to stop the source of this problem, whichis the degradation of the environment, since many people, like brazilian, show remedial actions inrelation to health. This situation shows the need for an education directed to the understanding ofman's interaction with its environment, what is working for environmental education, and also thestrengthening of health education, so that instruct the citizen early on to have healthy habits andpreventive in relation to personal and collective health. Both educational lines (environmental andhealth) were introduced in Brazil by the Ministry of Education - MEC, even in 90”s, be developedas transverse themes at the school level. However, even though a growing demand for workoriented to environmental education, there is no concrete data on the interaction of this withhealth education, and not with the reality of teaching in the school environment. Therefore, thisstudy sought to know the reality of health education in the municipality of Santa Maria, RS,selecting for the search the Camobi’s schools of basic education, because your socialheterogeneity. he study was conducted with application of a questionnaire, order to ascertain theperception of teachers about their role in the development of health-related issues, and yourcondition to answer the requirements of the MEC, about this. The research is exploratory type,with qualitative and quantitative analysis, and involved forty eight teachers, and representativesof the six schools selected portion, whom he intends to stay in contact, and provide feedback toassist in the difficult task of educating across the health issue in favor of a preventive society.Downloads
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