O técnico agrícola e a educação ambiental: concepções de meio ambiente e práticas pedagógicas de professores formadores destes profissionais
Professional education, Environmental education, Technical education, Conceptions, Environmental perceptionAbstract
The agricultural technician is a professional who has direct contact with the environment and investigate how this professional formation occurs is task necessary to understand how the world of work comes conceiving the relation x environmental education society. This work is a part of a research that examines the articulation of environmental education in a course curriculum in Technical Agriculture. At this stage, we bring the results obtained in semi-structured interviews with teachers of the course concerned. The objective was to investigate the conceptions of environment and environmental education of teachers, as well as understand their pedagogical practices. From dialogues with the teachers was possible to diagnose that prevails among them a conception of environmental non-anthropocentric, utilitarian and yet an understanding of environmental education as a process of awareness and awareness of people, targeting only practices conservationists.Downloads
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