Reflections on the sustainable schools program in Ananindeua's public environmental education policy
Sustainable schools, Environmental education, Public policyAbstract
This article presents theoretical reflections and results for the master's dissertation entitled Programa escolas sustentáveis na política pública de educação ambiental no município de Ananindeua: uma análise em três instituições de ensino, it is presented to the Graduate Program in Natural Resource Management and Local Development in the Amazon, and it is about the sustainable schools program in the public policy of environmental education, in the municipality of Ananindeua, state of Pará, from the analysis of public school units: E.M.E.F. João Paulo II; E.M.E.F. Maria do Carmo and E.M.E.F. Lúcia Vanderley (Ananindeua/Pa). The qualitative and quantitative methodological approach, with greater emphasis on qualitative aspects, supported by the phenomenology of perception, involving a participant observation, documentary study, bibliographic research, interview and interpretative description based on the theoretical perceptions and opinions of the subjects involved with the program under study (managers, coordinators, teachers and students). The results indicate that in order to make the highlighted schools in effectively educative and sustainable spaces it is necessary the continuity of the investments directed to the elaborated projects in the institutions, also in the training of the school actors so that they acquire knowledge and include these themes in the curriculum of the various teaching modalities (from early childhood education to higher education), as well as broaden the communication between the maintaining organs aiming at the strengthening of the work in the school management with focus in the environmental education.
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