CO2 Emissions control in the steel industry: business strategies of ArcelorMittal Tubarão
Carbon Dioxide, Metrics, SiderurgyAbstract
This work focuses on siderurgy through the study of companies engaged on greenhouse effect gases reduction. On this text, a panorama of ArcelorMittal Tubarão and its sector is presented along with plans and projects of the company and the greenhouse gases mitigation metrics. The text is divided into four sections: Climactic changes and CO2; The Brazilian siderurgy and ArcelorMittal Tubarão; Company plans and projects; Company Indicator and Goals. The text presents the company environmental policies which refer to greenhouse gases reduction and reutilization of waste. The analysis of the company is based upon studying data from sustainability reports, from the webpage of the company and from questionnaire answered by the company. Despite the fact that the company annually publishes sustainability reports, they make a mistake by introducing incomplete information damaging the analysis of the initiatives and policies executed. However, it presents several points such as clean development mechanisms which can be expanded to other productive plants reducing the environment impact.Downloads
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