Urban morphology and land irregularity: an approach in semi-arid northeast
Urban planning, Reformulation of cities, Land regularizationAbstract
The urban growth disordered due to lack of planning and structuring of geographical space gives rise to the outskirts of the training process and improper occupation of settlements. Brazilian cities are marked by social inequality: while some live in highly privileged places, others reside in neighborhoods with housing and sanitation decadent. The purpose of this article is to describe the problems of growth and unplanned urban settlements in Brazil and the situation of five cities in the semiarid potiguar land irregularity. The housing reality of Brazilian cities was studied, observing the conflicts between occupational areas that were planned and those that formed improperly and analyzed five municipalities of the semiarid northeast, specifically in the category land regularization. It appears that there is a division of the urban space of Brazil in regions with excellent infrastructure available to its occupants and local with the absence of minimum conditions of dignity, and a high dominial irregularity index. However, you can do an urban restructuring through programs aimed at land tenure and the consequent redesign of cities.Downloads
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