The relevance of water theme in teaching science


  • Hércules Alan Carlotto Gouvea Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso, Jaciara, MT
  • Leidmar Alves dos Santos Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso, Jaciara, MT
  • Fernando Henrique Cardoso Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso, Jaciara, MT
  • Ricardo Douglas de Sousa Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso, Jaciara, MT



Water resources, Sensitization, Reuse


A non-renewable water well, was the theme chosen to work at the School Senator Filinto Muller, the Irenópolis district in the city of Juscimeira-MT, in order to sensitize students about drinking water waste occurring in the community where they live; and from the redefinition of knowledge of students, achieve reach families in their homes. Initially, it was discussed water waste and involved students in a practical activity on the possible incorrect uses in the community. During the exhibition of the activity results were encompassed several issues relevant to the theme, such as: hydrological cycle, pollution, potability and the importance of water. Its persisting doubts were worked into a lecture using multimedia feature with pictures and videos. Data on the construction of knowledge were collected from application of two questionnaires. With support on data collected through questionnaires I and II, we note that initially students were unaware of the potability of water, waste contained in their homes, in the community and even the importance that water has in everyone's life. From the activities carried out it was found changes of students, both on survey responses and in argument on the subject.


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How to Cite

Gouvea, H. A. C., Santos, L. A. dos, Cardoso, F. H., & Sousa, R. D. de. (2015). The relevance of water theme in teaching science. Monografias Ambientais, 14, 157–171.

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