Dende: palm crops to biodiesel production
Elaeis guineensis L., Biofuels, Energy cropsAbstract
The necessity for developing alternative energy sources ensuring a energy security is the perspective of developing countries like Brazil. The national production of oilseeds is seen as one of the solutions to complement the current Brazilian energy matrix, palm oil being of great interest in the conversion and biodiesel production. The present paper aims to collect and expose technical information relating to the culture of oil palm, evaluating the potential of the oil of the plant when oriented to biodiesel production. With a percentage of 20-22% of palm oil and a yield of 4-6 t/ha/year, the palm is considered as the largest source of oil consumption in the world, which shows a high potential for biodiesel production, that can still increase following managements and zoning alternative, exceeding even more that traditional soybean crop. Biodiesel from palm oil can be easily obtained in methyl route basic with molar ratio alcohol/oil of 6:1, at 60 °C for 60 min, meeting the American, European and Brazilian specifications.
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