Management analysis of residues found in the water generated from gas washing from the reduction of cassiterite tin into blast furnaces, in a mining-metallurgical company in the municipality of Porto Velho, Rondônia process
Processing of cassiterite, Middle environment, Water residuaryAbstract
The importance of the environment is by definition to ensure a better quality of life for the environment around us and future generations, which leads to the important studies that minimize the environmental impact caused by industries that use water in its production process. This study about a foundry cassiterite (tin ore) from the city of Ariquemes Rondônia - RO, and focused on your objective assessment of the quality of wastewater generated from washing of the process gases from the electric furnaces for the reduction of these ore cassiterite. Samples were collected in two stages, the second step reagent added sodium hydroxide to a neutralization and precipitation process and stirring by compressed air. The laboratory responsible for analysis was Bioagro Ambiental parameters with CONAMA 357/05 art. 34. The results showed the first step out of the four parameters example fluoride National Council of Environment (CONAMA) 357/05 710 mg / L, total tin 6.4 mg / L, dissolved iron 34.8 mg / L, pH 2.74 mg / L. It is observed that in the second stage using sodium hydroxide reagent analytical results showed only one parameter out of CONAMA resolution, 810 mg fluoride / L, with a maximum allowed of 10.0 mg / L. Although there was a significant reduction in contaminants is concluded that only the sodium hydroxide does not only treatment process thus requiring. Further study in the treatment of wastewater so that it can be discarded and reused in the production process of the company.
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