
  • Katia Laura Sidali Georg August University Göttingen - GAUG
  • Tim Obermowe Georg August University Göttingen - GAUG
  • Olga Filaretova Georg August University Göttingen - GAUG
  • Achim Spiller Georg August University Göttingen - GAUG



Segmento Baseado no Estilo de Vida, Marketing Sensorial, FRL.


In the consumer behaviour literature regarding food consumption the food-related lifestyle (FRL) approach conceived by Grunert et al. (1993) is a well-established tool to target groups based onlifestyle and dietary habits. On the contrary, studies attempting to identify consumer groups according to their sensory preferences are rather scarce. In this article, we present an approach that combines elements of the FRL approach with variables of sensory perception of food. The findings show that it is meaningful to build a consumer typology based on both food-related lifestyle variables and sensory preferences. The six clusters resulting from this study differ significantly from each other so that managerial recommendations are derived.


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Author Biographies

Katia Laura Sidali, Georg August University Göttingen - GAUG

Department of Agricultural Economics, Chair of Food Marketing, Germany.

Tim Obermowe, Georg August University Göttingen - GAUG

Department of Agricultural Economics, Chair of Food Marketing, Germany.

Olga Filaretova, Georg August University Göttingen - GAUG

Department of Agricultural Economics, Chair of Food Marketing, Germany

Achim Spiller, Georg August University Göttingen - GAUG

Department of Agricultural Economics, Chair of Food Marketing, Germany


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How to Cite

Sidali, K. L., Obermowe, T., Filaretova, O., & Spiller, A. (2013). SENSORY MARKETING: EVIDENCE FROM A CLUSTER ANALYSIS OF GERMAN CONSUMERS. Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão, Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental, 11(11), 2448–2461.