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Canola oil as an alternative quenchant for the AISI 8640 steel





Microstructure, Phase transformation, AISI 8640 steel, Canola oil, Quenching


AISI 8640 is one of the most used steel in the manufacturing industry due its wide range of applicability and properties. The quenching process is commonly applied in parts made of this steel in order to enhance some properties, such as strength and hardness. Petroleum derived oils are the most common quenchants, however this kind of quenchant is considered to be non-biodegradable, toxic to the health and environment, as well as, not renewable. In the present study, canola oil presented the same efficiency than a conventional petroleum derived oil in the quenching process of AISI 8640 steel billets with diameter of 25.4mm.


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Leonardo Pratavieira Deo, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras- MG

D.Sc. (2015) and Master (2011) in Materials Science and Engineering and undergraduation in Exacts Sciences in Physics (2008), Maths (2009) and Chemistry (2010) at USP-São Carlos. Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Lavras since 2016 at Engineering Department.

Artur Mariano de Sousa Malafaia, Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei, São João del-Rei - MG

D.Sc. (2013) and Master (2009) in Materials Science and Engineering and undergraduation in Mechanical Engineering (2006) at USP-São Carlos. Adjunct Professor at Federal University of São João Del Rei since 2013 at Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department.


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Deo, L. P., & Malafaia, A. M. de S. (2021). Canola oil as an alternative quenchant for the AISI 8640 steel. Revista Eletrônica Em Gestão, Educação E Tecnologia Ambiental, 25, e4. https://doi.org/10.5902/2236117055350

