Assessment feedback: the child's inclusive perspective in early childhood education and autism spectrum disorder




avaliação infantil, feedback, protagonismo infantil, educação inclusiva


In this qualitative study of exploratory type, with data collected via questionnaire, answered by 19 undergraduate students of Pedagogy at the University of Brasilia, in  training offered by the authors, involving Mathematics didactics and formative assessment, we aimed to analyze the perception of these undergraduates as to initiate a feedback culture of mathematics assessment in an inclusive perspective of the child in contexts of Early Childhood Education and Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD.  The results pointed out perceptions of feedbacks in these contexts and the need to make them formative and inclusive, legitimizing the importance of providing opportunities for child protagonism; perception of contributions of feedback for self-regulation of learning and (re)organization of the pedagogical work.  Although only two respondents revealed familiarity with the theme, 14 respondents said they had heard about the subject superficially, with the aggravating factor that three respondents informed that they had not even heard of feedback and had no perception of its existence. It is concluded that investments in initial and continuing education will contribute to reflections on inclusive strategies to welcome the diversity of the child's feedback and its intentional use by the teacher in favor of an evaluation for learning in Mathematics since Kindergarten.


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Author Biography

Geraldo Eustáquio Moreira, Universidade de Brasília

Doutor em Educação Matemática – PUCSP (2012), pós-doutoramento em Educação pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2020). É mestre em Educação – UCB (2005); pós-draduado em de Ensino da Matemática – UNICLAR (2000); licenciado em Ciências Naturais – UEG (1996), Matemática – Unoeste/SP (1999) e Pedagogia – Instituto Superior Fátima/DF (2013). Líder do grupo de pesquisa Dzeta Investigações em Educação Matemática – Diem. Professor adjunto na Universidade de Brasília.


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How to Cite

Cruz, F. C. da, & Moreira, G. E. (2023). Assessment feedback: the child’s inclusive perspective in early childhood education and autism spectrum disorder. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, e74143, p. 1–25.