Remote education in times of pandemic: the experience of the Colégio La Salle Carmo de Caxias do Sul/RS
people management, process, education, remote teachingAbstract
This article aims to analyze the remote teaching developed by the team of teachers and pedagogical coordination, from the perspective of people management of the processes, developed in a private school in Serra Gaúcha/RS, during the COVID- 19, in the year 2020. The methodology used is a qualitative, exploratory approach, based on a study case analyzed from the experience and experience of the researchers, in addition to the institution's internal data and carefully selected theoretical references. The target audience of this research is educators, who are essential for guaranteeing remote teaching. The main results were observed from changes in the teachers' thinking, acting and learning throughout the school year. It was concluded that it is possible to maintain a remote and hybrid teaching model - new ways of teaching, management of processes and people, use of active methodologies in remote learning, attractive digital environments - if the school has educators who are available and flexible to changes and work together with students, challenging them to be autonomous and protagonists of a rich and stimulating learning.
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