Effects of the evaluation on brazilian postgraduate programs in administration: analysis on isomorphism
avaliação, pressões institucionais, isomorfismo, Capes, Programas de Pós-Graduação.Abstract
The objective was to verify the effects of the evaluation on the Graduate Programs in Administration - PPGAs. The method includes descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, bibliographic and document review. The results indicated the presence of mimetic isomorphism among PPGAs with different intensities. The greater degree of isomorphism among the most homogeneous groups is evident in the dissemination of the practice of mirroring in curricular proposals, especially in less traditional programs. It has been observed in recent years that Capes, which now contributed to the isomorphism, started to adopt measures to reduce similarities, avoiding the evolutionary compromise of science. Evidence of isomorphism is the generation of obstacles to qualitative advances in scientific production.
Key-words: evaluation; institutional pressures; isomorphism; Capes; graduate programs.
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