School council and practices in the democratic management of the public school
The article is the result of a research developed with managers, collegiate members and teachers of a school of the state school network of the Municipality of Capitão de Campos-PI. The research comprises a case study with a qualitative approach, with themes related to the School Council and for participation as a guiding principle of Democratic Management. Its development was based on the ideas and conceptions of Paro (2016), Lück (2009), Libâneo (2001) and Marques (1990). The general objective of the research is to understand the role of the school council in the practices of democratic management, with the specific objective of reflecting on concepts attributed to democratic management; analyze in the interviewees' speeches characteristic aspects of democratic management and identify principles and dimensions of this management model. Regarding the problem, it seeks to respond, as the participation in the development of activities, contributes to effective democratic management in school? The technical procedures for data collection were bibliographic research and interview, regarding the analysis, was performed through categorization. As a result of the research, it was found that the active participation of professionals and the school community in the development of activities contributes significantly to the democratic management model being effective, either by influence in decision making, or by the direct action of the school council It was also concluded that the effectiveness of this management model is a mechanism that allows developing activities aimed at the full development of the student, professionals and society in general.
Key-words: democratic management; school board; participation.
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