Quality of digital and non-digital games used for teaching software engineering in Brazil
Educational games have been used as an innovative strategy for Software Engineering (SE) education in Brazil. However, it is essential to evaluate such games in order to obtain sound evidence on their quality. Thus, the objective of this article is to summarize empirical evidence on the quality of digital and non-digital games used for teaching SE in Brazil. The analysis is based on data collected from 41 case studies that used Meega, the most used model for the evaluation of educational games, evaluating 19 games, involving a population of 704 students. The results indicate that digital and non-digital games can have a positive effect on learning by providing a pleasant and engaging experience for students and motivating them to study. These results can guide instructors in the selection of games as instructional methods and guide game creators toward developing new educational games.
Key words: quality evaluation, educational games, software engineering.
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