The concepts of management and administration: application to the study of the managements of the directors of the State University of Campinas Faculty of Medical Sciences
This article describes the methodology used in the elaboration of a project that analyzes the managements of the State University of Campinas Faculty of Medical Sciences during the period 1963-2014. It starts from the concept of management and administration and the characterization of different theories of administration. The main reference in terms of methodology is the quadripolar methodology - epistemological, theoretical, morphological and technical - elaborated by Bruyne, Herman and Schoutheete (1977). A brief analysis of the first management (1963-1969) is presented to illustrate this theoretical and methodological approach. The authors conclude that the methodology is adequate and there is possible application to the study of the managements that followed the first one.
Key-words: management, administration, institutional management, medical schools, Faculty of Medical Sciences of Unicamp.
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