Environment: male and female student's perception of the techinical education at a Federal Institution in Palmas


  • Voninio Brito de Castro IFTO
  • Marta Roseli de Azeredo Barichello UFSM




In this study, the author analized in a technical school, the students’ perceptions on the management of microsystems. It has pointed the human development from activities taken in the school environment; it has described the social school environment from those students' perception; it has compared their perceptions differences and similarities. The results show that: the federal institutes offers extracurricular courses to internal and external communities, as established in the LDB, however, they are not sufficient. There is dissatisfaction among students related to extracurricular activities; there is a proportional distribution of sporting and leisure attractions; dispite the negative points, students confessed their positive development due to the microsystems.

Key-words: microsystems, management, school environment.


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Author Biography

Voninio Brito de Castro, IFTO

Departamento de cursos superiores.

Ensino de línguas



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How to Cite

Castro, V. B. de, & Barichello, M. R. de A. (2013). Environment: male and female student’s perception of the techinical education at a Federal Institution in Palmas. Regae: Revista De Gestão E Avaliação Educacional, 2(3), 45–64. https://doi.org/10.5902/2176217110392


