Criticism and philosophical perspective of <i>sapere aude</i> kantiano at the Federal Institute of Pará: the retrocess of the new middle school




Philosophy, Curriculum, Freedom, Aufklärung, Sapere aude


The article reflects on the importance of philosophical discourse as reflective thought for the maintenance of the Kantian aufklärung in an educational institution. These are partial research results in progress in the research coordination of the campus Conceição do Araguaia - PA. Its methodology is a qualitative bibliographical research. Its objective is to emphasize the guarantees of autonomous thinking, therefore, freedom of expression and public use of reason in the Federal Institute, in view of the formation of autonomous thinking and the obstacles to establishment since provoked by lei nº 13.415, of february 16 of 2017 and the resulting IFPA guidelines. it is understood as discussions that there is no criticism, nor self-criticism without autonomy. The law that reformulates the new high school prioritizes technological knowledge to the detriment of human knowledge. The IFPA in communion with this merely technocratic thought creates the Guidelines for Course Reorganization IFPA Integrated Form. As final considerations it is perceived that the document limits the autonomy of thought provoked by the humanities. It deprives students of broad philosophical and sociological knowledge. It is a disciplining of the criticality of aufklärung.


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Author Biography

Tomaz Martins da Silva Filho, Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará, Araguaia, Pará.

Professor do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará, Araguaia, Pará.


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How to Cite

Silva Filho, T. M. da. (2019). Criticism and philosophical perspective of <i>sapere aude</i> kantiano at the Federal Institute of Pará: the retrocess of the new middle school. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 4(2).



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