The philosophical writing competition of PIBID of Philosophy of UESC
Philosophical writing, Written argumentation, Philosophy in High SchoolAbstract
In this report, we intend to present a balance of our first competition on philosophical essays developed in 2012. Five schools in the region of Ilhéus and Itabuna, in the south of Bahia, and more than a thousand students are involved in this project. Our goal was to encourage high school students to develop their writing skills by discussing philosophical problems. Five themes were proposed, according to what was being worked on in each series, to be chosen by the students. In a first phase of project, all the students participated in the scope of Philosophy/PIBID of UESC. Among these, the best works were selected for a second phase in which they had orientation to improve the presented ideas in the text and argumentation. In a third phase, the six winning students were selected. In our report, we will make an evaluation of how the competition contributed to the improvement of students' written argumentation, as well as other positive results derived from it. We will also present the main difficulties in order to serve as a parameter for application or modification of the project by Philosophy/ PIBIDs in other universities.
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