Fashion consumption practices of millennials women: between fast and slow fashion



Parole chiave:

Theories of practices, Fast fashion, Slow fashion


Purpose: The ephemeral nature of fast fashion has influenced a change in people's thinking around the world about its production and consumption practices. This change in social behavior has been noticed, as people question the current way of consuming and provoke what has been called slow fashion. In this way, how is the adherence to 'practices' of fashion consumption, considered as slow fashion, by young women, an age group inserted in the millennials classification? Would it be a transition from fast to slow?Design/methodology/approach: This research has a qualitative approach, and its type is classified as exploratory, making use of the interview as a data collection technique.
Findings: The results showed a steady consumption within the large retail of fast fashion due to low prices, convenience, and easy access. However, the interviewees showed trends in positioning for the consumption of slow products.
Originality/value: It is concluded that fast fashion, until nowadays, is the concrete and hegemonic practice of fashion consumption, and it is not possible to view it as an ex-practice, since the three criteria of its classification still remain connected. As for slow fasion, this is in a proto-practice state, as component elements are identified, but connections have not yet been made.


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Biografie autore

Maria Kélvia Ferreira de Araújo, Instituto Federal do Piauí, Piripiri, PI

Specialist in Human Resources: Labor Routines and Calculations. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Instituto Federal do Piauí (IFPI/2021).

Rafael Fernandes de Mesquita, Instituto Federal do Piauí, Piripiri, PI

Doctor in Business Administration from the Universidade Potiguar – UnP; Professor at the Instituto Federal do Piaui - IFPI, Piripiri - PI, Brazil. Email:

Fátima Regina Ney Matos, Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Coimbra

Doctor in Business Administration from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Professor at the Instituto Superior Miguel Torga – ISMT /Coimbra-Portugal.

Michelle do Carmo Sobreira, Centro Universitário Christus, Fortaleza, CE

Doctor in Business Administration from the Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). Works at the Executive Secretariat of Commerce, Services and Innovation of SEDET-CE, participating in the coordination of the Economic Clusters of Innovation Program.

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Come citare

Araújo, M. K. F. de, Mesquita, R. F. de, Matos, F. R. N., & Sobreira, M. do C. (2022). Fashion consumption practices of millennials women: between fast and slow fashion. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 15(4), 615–633.




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