Creating sustainable businesses and careers: analysis of entrepreneurs’ life stories through the lens of career sustainability


  • Laís Viera Trevisan UFRGS
  • Patrícia Böck Bandeira UFRGS
  • Eliane Alves da Silva
  • Angela Beatriz Busato Scheffer
  • Eugênio Ávila Pedrozo


Mots-clés :

Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Career, Sustainability


Purpose: This study aimed to analyze how the career-building process of sustainable entrepreneurs occurs from the perspective of sustainable careers and how the influential factors in their career decisions are related to the dimensions and characteristics of sustainable careers.

Design/methodology/approach: This is a qualitative study carried out by analyzing three Brazilian entrepreneurs’ life stories. Subsequently, the data were submitted to narrative analysis using the Atlas.ti software and then interpreted using sustainable career’s dimensions and characteristics.

Findings: The study corroborates the literature on entrepreneurship, sustainability, and careers, shedding new light on the career decision process of sustainable entrepreneurs from the assumptions of the sustainable career perspective. We identified the emergence of influential categories as a disorienting dilemma, the importance of agency and meaning dimensions and the career coherence with values, quality of life, and self-fulfillment. In addition, sustainable entrepreneurship appears to be in line with the ideals of decent work, allowing for individual well-being, matching life and career values, and long-term employability.

Originality: The sustainable career perspective offers an innovative, dynamic, and systemic perspective to understanding the professional trajectories of sustainable entrepreneurs, considering their learning along their trajectory, crossing different social spaces, experiences, and creations, which allow them to improve the adaptability necessary for the sustainability of their careers.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Laís Viera Trevisan, UFRGS

Ph.D. student in Business Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Innovation, Technology and Sustainability research line, with scholarship granted by CNPq. Master's Degree in Management of Public Organizations by the Federal University of Santa Maria – UFSM (2019). Graduated in Administration by UFSM (2017) and Licensed by the Special Graduate Program of Teachers for Professional Education - UFSM (2020).

Patrícia Böck Bandeira, UFRGS

Ph.D. student in Business Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) with scholarship granted by CNPq, in Human Resources and Work Relations research line. Master's Degree in Psychology by PUCRS (2018). Graduated in Administration by UFRGS (2012) and professor at Psychology Educational Center (CAPE).

Eliane Alves da Silva

Ph.D. student in Business Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in Innovation, Technology and Sustainability research line. Master's Degree in Business by the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR). Graduated in Administration by the State University of Londrina (UEL). Experience as a technical level teacher in the area of Administration.

Angela Beatriz Busato Scheffer

Associate professor, member of the Human Resource Management and Labor Relations Area at Administration School, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses at UFRGS. Ph.D. in Management by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Graduated in Psychology by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS). Master’s Degree in Administration (UFRGS). Research interest areas: strategic human resource management; careers, sustainable career; expatriation, repatriation, mobilities and frontiers; volunteering; family business and family business succession.

Eugênio Ávila Pedrozo

Graduated in Agronomic Engineering by the Federal University of Santa Maria (1980). Graduated in Business Administration by the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai e das Missões (1986). Graduated in Accounting Sciences by the Integrated Regional University of Alto Uruguai e das Missões (1988).  Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (1991) and Ph.D. Degree by the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (1995). Full professor and retired at UFRGS. Professor in the following graduated programs: as a guest at PPGA/EA/UFRGS/Porto Alegre/RS, as a volunteer professor at PPGA/CEDSA/UNIR/Porto Velho/RO and as volunteer professor at PRODEMA/UFPB/João Pessoa/PB. Experiences in the area of ​​Administration, Agribusiness and Social Sciences, with an emphasis on Administration of Specific Sectors, working mainly on the following topics: sustainability or sustainable development, complexity, CSR - corporate social responsibility, inter-organizational configurations, sustainable strategies, sustainable innovations, education for sustainability, transformative, systemic learning, multidimensionality, multilevel, inter/transdisciplinary, activity theory, BOP - base of the pyramid, communities, society-environment relationship, socio-ecological systems, Amazon.


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Comment citer

Trevisan, L. V. ., Bandeira, P. B. ., Silva, E. A. da ., Scheffer, A. B. B. ., & Pedrozo, E. Ávila. (2022). Creating sustainable businesses and careers: analysis of entrepreneurs’ life stories through the lens of career sustainability. Revista De Administração Da UFSM, 15(3), 469–490.




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