Relationship between the actors and the environment: an analysis of positive and negative feelings about an entrepreneurial ecosystem
Entrepreneurship, Domains of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Positive Feelings, Negative feelings.Abstract
Objective of the study – To analyse the positive and negative feelings regarding the domains of an entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Design/methodology/approach – The present work is characterized as exploratory and descriptive in relation to the procedures as field research, and the approach is qualitative.
Findings – Most of the feelings regarding the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the study are negative (30 feelings). However, there are positive perceptions (14 feelings) about the arrangement. This can be seen through the importance of the people, actors and entrepreneurs in the ecosystem, as they act as agents in transforming actions. Concerning the negative aspects, the Public Policy and Culture domains also contain several indicators, mainly for the search for incentives and policies to disseminate entrepreneurship in the ecosystem.
Practical & Social implications of the Study – This work sought to collaborate with studies in the field of entrepreneurship, specifically, in the domains of the ecosystem. Its strength lies in its theoretical and practical relevance, guiding entrepreneurs towards other specific aspects of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Originality – The study is original due to the environment in which it was conducted, unlike other studies on this theme, and the local arrangement had not yet been considered. Furthermore, regarding similar studies conducted in Brazil, few studies were found approaching this theme of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (Capes, 2020), which indicates the possibility of exploring this theme.
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