Education internationalization: relationship between training abroad and international publications programs in stricto sensu in administration
Internationalization of Education, Networks, Stricto Sensu, UniversitiesAbstract
Like many sectors of the economy, universities need to worry about increasing competitiveness. Internationalization has been an alternative that permits companies to be part of the global scenario, expanding their interaction network, but can also be explored in the field of education, mainly linked to network theory. This research examined the training of teachers of graduate programs in Administration in stricto sensu evaluated with grades 6 and 7 by CAPES in 2013. The purpose was to investigate whether the fact that the teachers have their training or part of it abroad contributes significantly to the increase of international publications. This is a qualitative research and secondary data has been worked with. The results indicate that the two countries that received most publications from Brazil in relation to the programs studied were the United States and then England, the same countries where most of the institutions have trained teachers or part of them abroad. The fact of having part or complete formation abroad can be interpreted as a greater possibility of interactions with other institutions and raise the actions in the indicators of internationalization proposed by CAPES, both for the possibility of the teacher to increase his network, and for the possibility of expanding knowledge in new languages, which would promote communication between teachers and consequently the programs evaluated.
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