Direito de Ingerência: Amazônia - um problema brasileiro?
Brazil, Legal Amazon, Intervention, International environmental policy.Abstract
It is notorious that the importance and role-played by the international law regarding environmental issues. Such axioms allow the formation of a certain degree of standardization within the international community concerning an object of analysis, in this case, the Legal Amazon. Thus, this article main goal is to assess the manifold aspects of two central concepts that are deep-rooted in International Relations, that is: intervention versus sovereignty. In spite of this, it is argued that, albeit the fact that some scholars and politicians advocate that the Legal Amazon is a World Heritage Site, there are not any precedent found at the international law that legitimize any international intervention in Brazil. Therefore, despite the problems faced by the Brazilian government regarding the Legal Amazon, such as the illegal commerce of woods and deforestation, those issues are to be solved domestically.Downloads
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