Reason, politics, and revelation: Strauss and the medieval philosophical enlightenment




Enlightenment, Secularization, Religion, Politics, Philosophy


One of the key intellectual events in Leo Strauss's work was his decisive encounter with thinkers who integrated medieval philosophical enlightenment. From this, Strauss gained a critical perspective on modern thought. He acquired clarity about the original meaning of classical political philosophy, which underpinned medieval thinkers, and developed an insight into the esoteric method of reading. Therefore, the Straussian interpretation of medieval political philosophy is significant for Straussian studies in particular, but also for the theory and history of political ideas more broadly. In light of this, the article aims to analyze the intellectual context in which Strauss encountered medieval thinkers and to investigate the substance of medieval philosophy according to the author. As a method, it adopts a historical-contextual approach and focuses on the textualist interpretation of the main sources, including letters, conferences, articles, and books by Strauss, with the support of relevant commentators. Of special interest to the study is Strauss's interpretation of Farabi and Maimonides. We conclude that Strauss's dialogue with medieval thought unfolds amidst his confrontation with the premises of modern political philosophy. Furthermore, we clarify that Strauss interprets medieval sages as direct heirs of Plato and Aristotle who unfold a skeptical-political analysis of religion and communal human life. By seeking a critical dialogue between ancient and modern thought, we argue, finally, that Strauss's thought is a rich source for reflection on the tradition and the spiritual and political universe we inhabit.


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Author Biography

Iann Endo Lobo, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutor em Sociologia e Ciência Política (UFSC), Mestre em Sociologia Política (UFSC), Bacharel em Ciências Sociais (UFSC). Cursando atualmente o curso de Formação Pedagógica em Sociologia (UNIASSELVI). Bolsista CNPQ durante o mestrado (2017-19). Bolsista CAPES durante o doutorado (2019-23). Bolsista DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) - Winterkurs (2018). Experiência profissional como Editor de revista acadêmica e em Análise, Redação e Marketing Político. Pesquisa na área de teoria política e história das Ideias. Interesse por pensamento político clássico e moderno; pensamento social contemporâneo e contexto intelectual do niilismo alemão.


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How to Cite

Lobo, I. E. (2024). Reason, politics, and revelation: Strauss and the medieval philosophical enlightenment. InterAção, 15(4), e89731.