Securitization and desecuritization of coca leaves in the Andean Amazon: the United Nations (UN) in Bolivia
Securitization, Desecuritization, Coca leaf, UNODC, Bolivian AmazonAbstract
This article explores the process of securitization and desecuritization of coca leaves in the Bolivian Amazon, focusing on the role of the UN, particularly the UNODC. The research analyzes how coca leaves, deeply rooted in Andean culture, were transformed into an international security issue due to their association with cocaine production. The article employs the securitization theory from the Copenhagen School to understand how the UN positioned coca leaves as a threat and the implications of this for Andean countries. The methodology includes a literature review and a case study of Bolivia, with a qualitative content analysis. The results indicate that while coca leaves have historically been securitized, the monitoring conducted by UNODC has contributed to their desecuritization by providing data that deconstructs their image as a global threat. The study concludes that despite progress, the desecuritization process still faces significant challenges, particularly in the context of drug trafficking in South America.
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