Virtues as a means of preserving the soul
History of Education, Soul, Virtues, Past-PresentAbstract
To deal with preservation of the soul, revisiting some authors from the past is necessary, as the History of Education allows for in-depth studies related to the knowledge of human formation for development of the soul, making man reflect on his actions and the recognition of virtues in action, thinking about the common good. This is a matter that permeates history and brings a wealth of interpretations which justify the unification of past with present, to know the religious instructions for understanding a virtuous life. Among the authors used as research sources are Aristotle (384 a.C. – 322 a.C.), Albertus Magnus (1200 – 1280), Saint Bonaventure of Bagnoregio (1217-1274), Raimundo Lulio (1232-1316), Étienne de La Boétie (1530 – 1563), Voltaire (1694-1778), Hannah Arendt (1906 -1975), and others who analyzed the preservation of the soul as a requirement for continuation of humanity. According to this proposal, we asked: Why return to the History of Education to understand human formation and the preservation of the soul through virtues? In this perception, there is a long duration regarding the formation of man as a manager of his life, of his singularity, without the magnitude of understanding himself in the social whole and reflecting that his selfish actions generate an impact on his own life.
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