D. Duarte and Medicine in times of plague
Practica medica, Remedies, Plague, D. DuarteAbstract
In 15th century Portugal royalty showed an increasing interest in medical questions concerning disease prevention and the maintenance of the health of the kingdom’s subjects. In Portugal, ever since the Black Death in 1348, there had been outbreaks of epidemics from time to time in various cities and villages The article seeks to analyze the writings of D. Duarte, king of Portugal, known as The Eloquent (1433-1438) for evidences of his personal interest about Medicine and his concern on Realm’s health in times of plague. There are two versions of the writings of D. Duarte, one was Loyal Counselor and the other is Book of Cartuxa. In it there are various texts addressing the duo sickness and health based in humoral theory from Hippocrates and Galen. In addition to making an inventory of the homemade remedies for certain men and women’s ailments also registered the more everyday homemade medicines against plague.
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