Dialogue on democracy: agonistic criticism and the theory of justice as equity
Democracy, Right, Theory of Justice, EquityAbstract
The research aims to investigate John Rawls' theory of justice as fairness in the light of Chantal Mouffe's critique of pluralism. This is a research of philosophical analysis, which will first discuss Rawls' justice as fairness and, later, make a comparison between the theory of equity and Mouffe's agonistic criticism. It seeks to analyze the proposed philosophical models, their cracks and advances towards Democracy. It presents as results that the primary purpose of Rawlsian theory is to format a political and social system sustained in the search for equality between people and their society. Of a liberal nature, the theory of justice has in the agonized pluralism one of its criticisms, which demonstrates flaws in the democratic system defended by Rawls; but, specifically, they do not validly express a system that can match or surpass the theory of justice as fairness.
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