Construtivismo e teoria crítica: uma possibilidade de diálogo entre Bourdieu e Cox nas Relações Internacionais
construtivismo, teoria crítica, Pierre Bourdieu, Robert Cox, reflexividade, ontologia reflexiva.Abstract
This article aimed to compare the constructivist approaches in IR through Pierre Bourdieu's ideas with Critical Theory represented by Robert Cox ideas. Our main hypothesis is that it is possible to compare these authors ideas, due to their shared reflexive ontology critical to scientific positivism, in which structural view of society is present in categories socially and historically constructed, giving dynamism and criticism in the way that science is made. At the end it we concluded that comparisons between the authors are possible, and the hypothesis is confirmed as well, since the peculiarities of the construction of both ideas are respected, not incurring methodological errors or bias in the research.Downloads
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