A securitização político-econômica na América do Sul e seus reflexos na Argentina durante o Regime Militar (1976-1983)
Securitization. Cold War. South America. Argentina. Military DictatorshipAbstract
The purpose of this article is to investigate how it happened the process of securitization (political and economic) in South America and its repercussions in Argentina during its last military dictatorship (1976-1983). This is exploratory and bibliographical research, which uses interdisciplinary sources, both national and foreign. As partial results of the research, it is the possibility of using the categories of securitization theory in the context of the Argentine dictatorship, in order to identify the referent object, securitizing actors and the speech act capable of defining the security threat. The figure of the internal enemy, anyone who manifested itself against the authority or ideology of the dictatorship, was widely used. Also noteworthy is the inclusion of the “economic subversive”, any one who poses a threat to the economic interests of the ruling elite, including competing companies and members of the trade union movement, who have been harshly repressed in joint actions between security forces and part of the business sector.Downloads
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