A política interna brasileira de proteção aos refugiados, apátridas e vítimas de tráfico de pessoas: o caso do COMIRAT
COMIRAT, Stateless people, Refugees, Reception, HospitalityAbstract
The State Refugee Committees are bodies constituted with the objective of providing humanitarian assistance to migrants, especially regarding the elaboration of a state plan of policies designated to provide care for persons in situations of vulnerability, in order to guarantee the public access to public policies. In this sense, during the Human Mobility Seminar, in October 2012, the State Committee for Refugees of Rio Grande do Sul state (COMIRAT) was established in order to protect of refugees, stateless persons and victims of trafficking in persons, particularly to provide humanitarian assistance to these people. Therefore, this text seeks to point out the fundamental bases that support the construction of COMIRAT and to problematize its points of greatest merit, that is, to extend the discussion about the refuge to also the figure of the stateless person, noting the forms of action of the State in the treatment of migratory flows and the reception of the vulnerable in society.Downloads
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