Neoliberalism and civil war: the hypothesis of School Geography as an internal enemy
School Geography, Neoliberalism, Civil warAbstract
Neoliberalism goes beyond economic policy: by disseminating competitiveness, forging subjectivities and designing institutions, it engineers human behavior. Ademias, it is anchored in strategies that aim to neutralize and/or defeat enemies. Its operation requires authoritarian experiments, mechanisms of repression and technologies of war. To ensure competition and enable business freedom, principles, subjects and institutions are banned and dismantled. This is the case of School Geography. Since the neoliberal model presupposes that competition must prevail at any cost, movements in School Geography aligned with collective rights or with the understanding of socio-spatial formation are under threat. It is around this analysis that the article unfolds, organizing itself into three focuses: a) identifying the foundations of neoliberalism; b) indicate how neoliberal guidelines come from an option for civil war; c) recognize that School Geography – due to its ethical, aesthetic and epistemological status – tends to be targeted as an internal enemy.
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